The storage of food for future use is one of mans oldest and time consuming preoccupations. The specific techniques of food storage and preparation date back many thousands of years. The most ancient and accurate writings, the Old Testament Bible as chronicled by the Hebrew peoples, give specific instruction on food storage (as well as other survival preparations such as personal hygiene, ethics and law, etc.). It is only in recent years that the majority of people depend on a massive food distribution "system" fully controlled by the whims of a select few "insiders" (bankers, businessmen, etc.).

The decade of the 1990's saw worldwide food shortages unlike anything since the great depression. The increases in pollution and solar influences coupled with the decreases in arable land, forest land and food production, will contribute to a decline in the "global" economy. In addition, the so called "Greenhouse Effect" (global warming) is in reality an "Icehouse Effect" with the mean temperature of the northern hemisphere having DECREASED 2.3 degrees Celsius, from 1940 to 2010. This means that the Toronto like weather of 1940 will have reached Mississippi by 2010! By 2010 both Russia and Canada will be unable to grow grain. (CYCLES, 3333 Michelson Dr. #210, Irvine, CA 92715).

When making plans for the future well being of the family, the survivalist must plan for long term food supply (growing and processing your own stock) as well as short term food supply (purchasing a 1 to 5 year stockpile of necessary food items). In this article we will illustrate various types of prepared food available on the retail market as well as the actual sources for these items.

In discussing the types of food commonly available to the average American, four main categories are easily distinguished, they being commercial manufacture, storage-canned, storage-bulk and commercial military. The following table illustrates the four main types and their differences.

Type Cost Technology Lifespan 
Commercial Can Medium Can-High Temperature 3 Years
Freeze/Air Dry High Can- Nitrogen Packed 5-20 Years
Storage-Bulk Low Bulk-Nitrogen Packed 5-20 Years
Military Medium Aseptic Retort Packed 5-10 Years

* Dependent upon Temperature

When constructing your food program, the key concept to remember at all times is TEMPERATURE. The lower the TEMPERATURE at which the food is stored, the greater the TIME that the food will remain edible. A basement storage area is a good idea; however, a hideout room below the basement lined with Styrofoam insulation is an even better idea. Why else do you think grandpa kept his vegetables in a root cellar?

Commercial manufactured can goods, such as are available from the grocery store, commonly have a 2 year expiration date stamped on them. If kept in a cool place, they will last much longer and as have been reported in military publications, food from World War II abandoned on bases in the islands of Alaska were recovered over 30 years later and were found to be still edible.

Freeze dry and or air dry foods are canned especially for use in long-term storage programs. These are by far the most expensive foods to store, however they have a legitimate place in your pantry and in some cases are the only alternative available (fruits, pasta, cheese, peanut butter and even ice cream).

The following companies have excellent dealer programs:

  • Ready Reserve Foods, P.O. Box 697, Beaumont, CA 92223
  • Lion & Lamb, P.O. Box 141374, Dallas, TX 75214
  • Simpler Life Foods, P.O. Box 2059, Hereford, TX 79045
  • Sam Andy Foods, P.O. Box 6414, San Bernardino, CA 92412
  • Harvest Valley, 266 E. 500 South SLC, Utah 84111
  • Oregon Freeze Dry, P.O. Box 1048, Albany, OR 97321

The following companies are retailers only:

  • Nitro Pak Foods, 11018 E. Rosecrans Av Ste 300, Norwalk, CA 90650
  • Preparedness Prod., 130 S. Redwood Rd Bldg. FN. SLC, UT 84054
  • S.I. Inc, P.O. Box 3796, Gardena, CA 90247

Bulk packed foods are the least expensive way to increase the amount of food available in your storage plan. Like freeze dry foods, bulk packed foods are also stored in nitrogen to eliminate spoilage problems. Where as a standard #10 can of wheat, might contain 4 or 5 pounds of grain, a bulk packed container of wheat will weigh in at between 40 and 50 pounds. Many people begin buying bulked food to fulfill the basic requirements for each member of the family and then as finances permit, they supplement their stockpile with other types of food.

The following is considered a basic ration that will sustain life for 1 person for 1 year:

Description Quantity
Wheat, Red Winter 400 Pounds
Milk, Dried, Nonfat 100 Pounds
Honey (Sugar) 100 Pounds
Salt (Diet & Canning) 25 Pounds

Bulk packed foods are available from the following companies (these companies all have dealer plans):

  • Key Storable Foods, P.O. Box 116, Clay Center, KS 67432
  • Harvest Valley, 266 E. 500 South SLC, UT 84111
  • Hanna Mills, 5555 Newton Falls, Ravenna, OH 44266

Unlike our forefathers, the modern survivalist can now take advantage of the millions of dollars that the United States government has invested in solving the food supply problems of the modern soldier. The newest "Meal Ready to Eat" or MRE is a plastic sealed "kit" containing all the components for 1 meal for 1 soldier. Each kit contains an 8 oz main "entree" (Example: Chicken A La King), a side dish, a desert and an accessory packet (coffee, toilet paper, candy, etc.). The complete kit is a good addition to a "bug out" bag or an automobile survival kit. In addition, the "entree" packet and "desert" packets can be ordered by the case and is the least expensive way to stock this type of food. MRE packets and components are available from:

  • Resourceful Foods, P.O. Box 650758, Miami, FL 33265
  • So Pac Co, Box 1047, Mullins, SC 29574
  • Stairett, R #2, Jetmore, KS 67854

The civilian market has also taken advantage of the retort (meal in a bag) packaging that the military uses. The following companies supply food mostly to the weekend camping customer. The selection is fantastic; however the price per meal is also pretty high. For your information the companies are:

  • Stow Away Industries, P.O. Box 957, East Greenwich, RI 02818
  • Alpine Air Foods, 13321 Grass Valley Av, Grass Valley, CA 95945
  • Dri Lite Foods, 1540 Charles Dr, Redding, CA 96003

In addition to the food being stored, a grain mill will be required to turn the grains (or beans) into flour. The following companies are good sources of grain mills (Note: if buying an electric mill BE SURE to buy a hand operated adapter with it):

R & R Mill Company, 45 West First North, Smithfield, UT 84335

Retsel Corporation, McCammon, ID 83250



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