Survival Tabs
A New Concept in Long Term Storable Foods...

A Complete Meal in Tablet Form...and They're Delicious!
August 24, 1998 Monday, 12:42
In early 1962, R. B. PePugh, a biochemist at a tit-tee-known laboratory in Missouri", formulated a product for the U.S. Space Program. Needed warms a sole source food that could be used in the early space flights. It had to be "the best possible nutrition in the smallest possible volume.” The product that evolved came to be known as "The Survival Tabs"
Since then, it has gone on countless journeys and expeditions all over the world – Mt. Everest, the Great Australian Camel Race, the Alaskan Wilderness. . . and into numerous food storage programs.
The Survival Tabs are an inexpensive and convenient way to put in some "Emergency Food Insurance". . . just in case the Y2K Millennium Bug is not solved and the food distribution system "has some problems"
I'll Tell You How You Can Get A Sample Pack
of the Survival Tabs to Try for FREE!!
But First Let Me Tell You More About Them
An Offer and 2 Free Bonuses
...Where you Can't Lose
As a BONUS for ordering The Survival Tabs now, we'll send you a free special report, "The Essentials Every Family Needs to Survive a Disaster." It lists the essentials along with a detailed checklist of other items and steps that will make any ordeal comfortable.
As a SECOND FREE BONUS, we will also include our "SNACK ATTACK PACK." This is a little container filled with the Tabs. You can carry it around with you in your pocket or purse, and have a little snack, whenever you'd like.
Our Money-Back Guarantee
...Try Them Before You Keep Them
You can keep the Snack Attack Pack and the Free Report, regardless...Our compliments for giving The Survival Tabs a try.
Survival Tabs
Quantity Discount
Price Schedule
1-11 Bottles | $24.75/bottle |
12-24 Bottles | $22.00/bottle |
25+ Bottles | $19.00/bottle |
Great Australian Bicentennial Camel Race

Dear Folks at Food Reserves,
During the first few weeks of the race, when we were all slower and spent most of each day just trying to complete the average race distances, the pace allowed us no time for lunch breaks. Survival Food Tabs made up the majority of my diet. Taking one every half an hour kept my energy at a competitive level during a time at incredible extremes.
Later, when my camel injured his foot and, and I faced a grueling walk of 1,700 kilometers, the Survival Tabs were there once again to give me that needed push. During that time, the stress on my body was so severe and my nutritional requirements were so high - from the physical effort and sweating – that it's quite possible I might not have made it without the Survival Tabs.
The Tabs played an important role, especially during monotonous days over featureless desert horizons when eating was my only form of entertainment. They were like eating freeze-dried ice cream. only better. A food supplement for the body and soul!
Thanks again for an excellent product. I look forward to using them on my next great adventure.
Allen Deerver
"The American Camel Jockey"
P. S. The bloke in the photo is an Aussie who was on my -team.